How much of an undertaking
is learning ultrasound physics?

Ultrasound physics is a big topic. How big is it? If you go to a formal, sonographer level training program, ultrasound physics is usually a 4 credit course. That means 4 hours in a classroom and 8 hours on homework each week. As a typical college semester is about 15 weeks, doing the math, that’s 60 hours in class and 120 hours studying at home.

Let’s be honest, most practicing providers probably aren’t going to sign up for a college course on ultrasound physics. There just isn’t enough time.

How do you start?

An ultrasound physics text is where most seem start. They are written by engineers, physicists, or a mathematicians. Although some have excellent content, I personally struggled with the compartmentalization of the subject topics, which made it very difficult for me to process all of the interrelated facts and concepts into a real understanding of ultrasound physics.

You could also try learning ultrasound physics with any of the available online resources. Frankly, I’ve done a few of them and would be surprised if you walked away with an adequate understanding of ultrasound physics from any of these sources.

To be frank, I don’t think like an engineer, physicists, or a mathematician. I think like a medical provider that depends on this incredible technology to render better, safer, patient care. I think differently and wished I had had a different approach. I think a lot of providers might fall into that same bucket.

Regardless if you are a provider or a sonographer in need of learning ultrasound physics, I would consider starting your journey with Deconstructing Ultrasound Physics.

69 videos - Averaging 3:07 in duration - Totaling 3:36 hours

It's the shortest most comprehensive way to learn the concepts of ultrasound physics...